James S. Barahal, M.D.

James S. Barahal, M.D.James S. Barahal, M.D.
President / CEO
Honolulu Marathon Association


時間制限・人数制限がなく、誰でも完走できるホノルルマラソンは、「与えることは、与えられること」という意味を持つ“Aloha Spirit”の精神に支えられ、多くの地元ボランティアとともに歩んできました。自然、環境、条件、人々、全てにおいて、最適なバランス(調和)を保つことを大切にしている世界中のランナーが集う祭典です。


ホノルルマラソン協会 会長
James S. Barahal, M.D.

This year, Honolulu Marathon will celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Since the first Marathon was held in December 1973, the race has grown and approximately 30,000 runners from around the world participate each year and popular among Japanese runners, with more than 10,000 runners participating every year, for a total of approximately 470,000 Japanese runners in the past.

The Honolulu Marathon, with no time limit nor limit in the numbers of participation, is a race which anyone can complete. The Race is with the "Aloha Spirit" which means "to give is to be given," has been supported by many local volunteers. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining optimal balance (harmony) in nature, environment, conditions, people, and everything.

The Honolulu Marathon has always and will always provide a unique and special running experience and opportunity for runners from all walks of life around the world to experience it, and to equally celebrate the challenge of running.
We look forward to seeing you here in Honolulu!

James S. Barahal, M.D.
President / CEO
Honolulu Marathon Association